Universal Health Coin was one of the books that actually inspired me to start this podcast. So it was a great pleasure to have the author of the book as a guest on the show. Dr. Gordon Jones (President and COO) – Universal Health Coin (UHX) Gordon's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drgordonjones/ • Apache adventures and the US Army Airborne Division, and SC National Guard | Co-author of universal health Coin with Courtney Jones • Entrepreneur in Residence at Startup life incubator - StartupLife Incubator in Augusta, GA: https://startuplife.theclubhou.se/ (Register your startup before October 8, 2018) • What’s the most frustrating problem in healthcare? • Inception of Universal Health Coin with Courtney Jones • BUCAH: Blue Cross, United, Cigna, Aetna, Humana are the largest healthcare insurance companies which control much of the healthcare industry, along with the government. • Health Cost Sharing Organizations (HCSO) is a semi-unregulated health coverage plan that individuals and families can join as community members (commonly faith-based organizations) • UHX blockchain technology pivots from ETH to NEO to Stellar • Positive experiences with IBM collaborations and the Think Conference • Using IdentityMind for KYC/AML processes and soon to use Sovrin (identity management) • Partnership with Teledoc to provide telehealth services to UHX users • How do you protect patient privacy? • Nancy Kassebaum co-sponsored HIPAA- meant initially for health data portability not privacy. • Which healthcare industry stakeholders will benefit the most from blockchain technology? • Tokenomics of healthcare and how users will interact with UHX. • Future marketing plans for UHX will not boast blockchain or cryptocurrencies, advertising will be focused on health cost sharing and more affordable healthcare. • Healthcare provider shortage due to wasted time performing data entry work. • Philosophy about end of life care • Roadmap – design and build the platform, build the decentralized health exchange and decentralized token exchange Universal Health Coin Homepage: https://uhx.io/ Universal Health Coin book: https://medium.com/@uhctoken/universal-health-coin-9518ca3769cf Decision to use Stellar: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/comparative-assessment-neo-eth-stellar-dr-gordon-jones/ “Blockchain Movement”: https://choon.co/artists/gordonjones