Ep. 18: DH Event - Donating Medicine on GoChain - Good Shepherd Health and Solaster Partnership

Phil Baker (PharmD) – Founder, Good Shepherd Health | Founder, CEO at Remedichain. https://www.linkedin.com/in/philbakerpharmacist/ Stuart Lackey - Co-Founder, CEO at Solaster. Medical Device commercialization expert. https://www.linkedin.com/in/stuart-lackey-34105a13/ Links: goodsheprx.com remedichain.com solaster.io •Pharmacy drugs (primarily oral chemotherapies) can be donated to Good Shepherd Health who will give them to low-income people •Solaster using Go-chain – GO-70 interoperability standard •Working successfully with government to change drug donation laws •1st day - $40,000 worth of medicine were donated. 1st week - $100,000 of medicine were donated. •Focusing on building a strong network of drug supply and demand on the Remedichain platform •New partnerships opportunities are welcome

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