Ep. 2: Pharma Supply Chain Tracking using BlockRx - Darryl Glover (iSolve CCO)

Tracking drugs after they’ve left the manufacturer has traditionally been an afterthought. Pharmaceutical companies now want to use downstream post-delivery data to improve their products and ensure quality. Healthcare regulators would like to see better management of drugs throughout the entire drug life cycle. Identifying counterfeit drugs is a huge global challenge and the pharma industry is still struggling to find a trustworthy solution. In this episode, Darryl Glover (Chief Clinical Officer, iSolve) shares his insight on how their project, BlockRx , can help certify provenance of drugs using permissioned/private blockchains with Intel’s Hyperledger Sawtooth and Microsoft’s Coco Framework. Guest email: dglover@isolve.io https://www.blockrx.com/ Health Unchained New Corner: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-04-30/can-blockchain-fix-the-opioid-epidemic-intel-wants-to-find-out

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