Show Notes:
What does Health Record Banking Alliance do?
Why is it us taking so long to easily access useful medical records?
Richard explains how family caregivers can benefit directly from the access to loved one’s health records.
Health Record Banking Alliance Principles
Self-diagnosis on the internet and its dangers.
Apple health – consumers and developers.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and privacy concerns.
User interface ease of use and consumer demand.
How can blockchain create a trusted environment to share medical and health information?
Health outcomes depend on our behavior and the potential for using micropayments to incentivize patients to choose healthy options.
Working with federal regulators to encourage data sharing among patients.
Providers and payers manage data according to HIPAA.
Giving advice using medical records is something the FDA monitors carefully.
Access to the vital health information is difficult in some populations, especially in developing countries.
Who are the stakeholders in the health record marketplace?
Self-diagnosis and treatment using the internet can be valuable but possibly dangerous.
Micropayments using blockchain technology offer a way to incentivize data sharing and promote active and healthy lifestyle.
Permission based data sharing can help solve transparency concerns.
Provider fear of misdiagnosis still exists.
Unstructured data- The patient story is more than the data collected in medical records.
Complete medical record on one 5x7 Index card in 1984.
Europeans spend more on social care than healthcare than America but the total amount of money spent on both social and health care are about the same in each country. The result is that Europeans actually have better health outcomes.
End of life care and special directives.
Trusting blockchain vs trusting a brand.
News Corner:
On June 4th, Apple announced that it opened up its Health Record API (application programming interface) to developers so that they can build 3rd party apps that can easily and securely pull health record data directly from Apple users (with their permission of course).