Ep. 90: First Hospital Chain in the Metaverse - Drs. Michael Kaldasch and Ben El Idrissi (Aimedis)

Dr. Michael Kaldasch (CEO Aimedis)and Dr. Ben El Idrissi (COO) of Aimedis join me to update us about some of the strategies they are taking to create a medical NFT marketplace and the first hospital chain in the metaverse. It’s important to note that Aimedis already has an app made for patients, doctors, researchers, and pharmacists that is available for download in the Play and App stores.
Show Notes
•Updates on Aimedis company
•First hospital chain in the metaverse
•Virtual Reality and augmented reality applications
•NFT marketplace
•Migration from Ethereum to Binance smart chain
•Healthcare ecosystem interactions on the platform
Related episode: https://soundcloud.com/healthunchained/ep-6-bridging-healthcare-silos-dr-michael-kaldasch-ceo-aimedis
News Corner
Sanofi, recently announced a $270 million deal with French AI/precision medicine company, Owkin. This two part deal includes a $180 million equity investment in the company as well as a $90 million discovery and development partnership that spans the next three years. The collaboration will focus on leveraging its digital clinical research platform with federated AI in four different cancers- non-small cell lung cancer, triple-negative breast cancer, mesothelioma and multiple myeloma.
Listen to my episode with Owkin's Chief Product Officer on episode 81 https://soundcloud.com/healthunchained/ep-81-federated-learning-with-dlt-mathieu-galtier-cpo-owkin
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